Welcome to the XSharp LINQ Samples

What is XSharp

X# is an open source development language for .NET, based on the xBase language. The project was created in 2015 to give xBase developers a way to target the .NET Framework. It supports different dialects, such as Core, Visual Objects, Vulcan.NET, xBase++, Harbour and Foxpro.
More information about X# can be found on the XSharp Homepage.

What is LINQ

LINQ stands for “Language INtegrated Query” and is a .NET component, that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages. It was introduces with the .NET Framework 3.5 in 2007.

LINQ can be uses to qeury different data providers like LINQ to Objects, LINQ to Entities (using the Entity Framework or Entity Framework Core), LINQ to XML, LINQ to JSON, …

Why this site

LINQ is a very powerful part of the .NET Framework and allows working with data in a very expressive and simple way. While there are a lot of LINQ samples available in C# and VB.Net, I was not able to find samples in X#. Therefor I started to rewrite samples available in C# to X#.